However, no matter what the reason, it does not halt you from managing the symptoms to the point of total eradication of the problem with some tricks and continual management. In all instances of excessive facial hair growth, a visit to your doctor to determine the background cause is advisable. Many excellent products are available in the pharmacies and supermarkets which a woman can purchase to either permanently remove the hair or reduce it by retarding growth etc.
Basically, the creams or liquids create a hostile environment for the hair follicle. The range can be quite big and does take some time to work out which product best suits your particular needs. But one thing is certain, they are not cheap! There are natural products which do not contain harsh products and there are some chemical products which are more lasting in permanency. The choice is really up to the customer. Seeking advice is always helpful. But being informed first is to be better armed to ask the right questions.
Once you have selected the product adhere to the instructions and be diligent in application. Always remember that most chemical products have chemicals which can seriously affect the facial skin, so be sure to apply natural soothing products to prevent any chemical burns. Use of olive oil, massaged into the skin and wiped clear with tissues is a safe way to ensure that you can manage inflammation due to allergic reaction. Calamine lotion is always a hands down winner and the benefits are that it also acts as a natural skin tone make-up foundation at the same time.
Continue with your usual hair depilatory method, such as tweezers, hair removal cream, and electrolysis throughout the time that you are also applying hair retardant creams. The entire process take time and is not an overnight wipe-out of hair growth. Gradually over months, the hair growth will slow down with the retardant creams whether they are chemically based or home-made. It might be prudent to realise that there is probably no cream out there that will permanently destroy all facial hair growth. But, as most women would agree, any slowing of the regrowth is always welcome.
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