Thursday, September 13, 2012

Health Problems in Dogs

There is no need to watch your dog all the time, but there are some things you should pay attention to because they may indicate illness.

A healthy dog will be dynamic and full of vitality, so it will have a cheerful attitude and keen eyes.

It rests during the day and at night. The sleep hours may vary, but no one knows the habits of a dog than its master.

Its appetite is constant. A sick dog tends to clean its bowl. Similarly, you must be vigilant if it suddenly starts to feel hungry: some diseases cause excessive hunger.

The water consumption must also be regular, especially if the dog is fed dry food. Dogs consume more water in this case than if they are fed wet food. You must also be concerned if the dog starts drinking excessively.

The urine and feces may also indicate the health status of your dog. The dog should urinate continuously and without effort (males urinate more frequently and shorter than females). It should be yellow in color and clear. Dark urine is a bad sign.

As for the defecation, the frequency varies depending on the quality of the food and the physical activity done by the dog. It should defecate once or twice a day. The stool should be soft but well molded and brown in color.

The fur should be glossy and the skin should be supple and elastic.

Its breathing should be smooth and regular.

In any of these cases visit a local vet or go online to buy pet supplies if you know exactly what you need. 

Difficulties in motion:

- Lameness => Possible causes: bone, nerve, muscle or skin lesions (the first reflex is to examine the limb and check for a foreign body or a major break).
- Loss of balance => Possible causes: disease of the nervous system (check the attitude of the dog: head down, body on the side).
- Paralysis => Possible causes: disease of the nervous system, muscle disease (the dog can no longer move if all four limbs are paralyzed and has serious difficulties in case of paralysis of one or two limbs).

Changes in the eating habits:

- Decreased appetite => Possible causes: illness or injury of the oral cavity (the dog is unable to eat even if its appetite seems intact. It is interested in its food, sniffs, eats a bit and then stops. These are signs of a mouth problem. An unpleasant smell of the oral cavity may be so noticeable).
- Increased appetite => Possible causes: endocrine disease (e.g. diabetes), chronic digestive disorders, certain medications.

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