Monday, April 23, 2012

The Casino Compass Roulette System

The Casino Compass roulette system

The research on roulette has proven for a long time that players are more successful when they bet on their favorite numbers. However, they get really annoyed when one of their favorite numbers turns out to be a loser. When this happens, they usually turn these numbers into "dead" ones and choose new favorites and so on.
The question remains: When do the favorites actually prove to be winners? Unfortunately, no one has developed a meaningful theory on this. Statisticians have always stumbled upon the analysis of distance measurements. Playing roulette online is a fun and exciting game.

An explosive analysis

New research results show that the distance traveled by a transversal from the last to the first term is equal to the one between favorites and dependent on the distribution of the remaining stock. Furthermore, extensive studies have brought to light the fact that dormant numbers placed at greater distances have a higher profit potential. Once again, the distance is dependent on the distribution of the remaining stock.

There are times when coups can easily be gained though some transversals only win after a long break. This actually happens a lot and favorites are still fashionable. This crystal clear rule is known as the casino compass rule. 

Optimal profits on 3-transversals

image of playing online roulette. 

You can get the most benefit from the newly discovered "distance" theory on street bets (three-transversal) after carrying out a comparison test:

1. Manageable range of distances

2. Minimal and clear booking

3. No lengthy pre-observations

4. Usually, one or two transversals are bet on

5. No obligation to tip

6. Favorable capital - profit ratio

Your profits with the "casino compass" rule

In the standard version, you win 80-10 pieces for all 37 coups. The add-on version brings you +15 pieces per game within an average of 44 coups.

An example of the application of the casino compass rule in the casino

The casino compass rule allows you to improve your gaming experience. First you choose a favorite and then a nondescript transversal from the midfield and finally you can ask a latecomer for the checkout.
The compass always indicates the right direction due solely to the new distance measurement. This method gives you:

The chance to bet on favorites;

The chance to act in midfield;

The chance to be part of the sweep.
Both the standard version and the advanced version offer you these advantages.

A comparison between the standard game and the full game

A comparison between the standard game and the full game was made using the figures of Star Casino in the United States of America from January 2011.

Profit target: +10 pieces in the standard version, +15 in the standard and add-on version (full game). The profit target is reduced if the target is not reached in the allotted time.
Star Casino - Table 1 - January 2011
Standard version         Full game                   Standard version         Full game
Date    Day     Month             Day     Month Date    Day     Month             Day     Month
01.01.  +13        +13                +18        +18    17.01.    +7      +189                +17      +293

02.01.  +13        +26                +21        +39    18.01.  +11      +200                +17      +310

03.01.  +14        +40                +15        +54    19.01.    +3      +203                +20      +330

04.01.  +15        +55                + 5         +59    20.01.  +11      +214                +19      +349

05.01.  + 7         +62                +17        +76    21.01.  +11      +225                +18      +367

06.01.  +13        +75                +10        +86    22.01.  +13      +238                +4        +371

07.01.  + 6         +81                +21      +107    23.01.  +16      +254                +20      +391

08.01.  +12        +93                +15      +122    24.01.  +10      +264                +17      +408

09.01.  +13      +106                +16      +138    25.01.  +10      +274                +12      +420

10.01.  +19      +125                +24      +162    26.01.  +16      +290                +18      +438

11.01.  +10      +135                +20      +182    27.01.  +13      +303                +12      +450

12.01.  +11      +146                +19      +201    28.01.  +10      +313                +23      +473

13.01.  +11      +157                +21      +222    29.01.  +10      +323                +15      +488

14.01.  +10      +167                +21      +243    30.01.  +10      +333                +15      +503

15.01.  +13      +180                +21      +264    31.01.  +14      +347                +16      +519

16.01.    +2      +182                +12      +276  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Epileptic Seizures in Dogs

A seizure may be a sign of unreported illness hence the importance of physical and neurological examination. An examination of the fundus can be very revealing. These tests are usually carried out 48 hours after a seizure. Otherwise, the results can be skewed.

Blood hematology, biochemistry and urinalysis are also important as their results provide the starting point for monitoring the health of the puppy. Radiographies of the thorax and abdomen can help identify metastases. You can also consider a cerebrospinal fluid drain or an electroencephalogram.

All these tests involve significant costs, but they are very important. Ticks on dogs will help in caring for you dogs.

Then, you must be aware that treatment does not cure your dog but limits the extent, frequency and intensity of the seizures. You must never recur to medication without informing the veterinarian as this could reactivate the illness.

Whatever it is, the treatment against epilepsy usually has side effects, primarily on the liver. Therefore, you must speak of "the benefit-risk ratio" when prescribing and administering a certain treatment. The side effects sometimes occur very rapidly and then regress but it all depends on the treatment.

It is very important to talk to the vet to see what they prescribe and why and what advantages they reap. One thing is certain: they will try to space out the seizures. Ticks on dogs will help in caring for you dogs. For a healthy pet, consider removing ticks on dogs.

Treatment should be administered with great regularity. The changes that occur in your daily life such as relocation, holiday travels, various receptions at home or elsewhere and so on should never make you forget that it is imperative to give your small dog its treatment. You should talk to your loved ones and make sure that there is always someone to administer the treatment! Otherwise, the little creature can have a new seizure and who knows what can happen after that.

You can have a notebook where you describe the seizures in details and note down their dates in order to provide this valuable information to the veterinarian when asked.
image of dogs.Treatment is most often based on products containing phenobarbital or bromide. 

Phenobarbital is relatively safe, effective and inexpensive. Its side effects are that it is a sedative and toxic to the liver.

Bromide is also relatively safe, effective and inexpensive and most of its side effects are reversible if the dosage is reduced. It also acts as a sedative. The addition of bromide to treatment with phenobarbital leads to a significant decrease in the number of seizures and generally allows a reduction or discontinuation of the Phenobarbital treatment. It has a special molecule for small epileptics that suffer from liver problems.
Products based on primidone are also effective but have a toxic effect on the liver, so they are usually avoided.

Products containing phenytoin, valproic acid and benzodiazepines are also used, but they only act over a short period of time.

The course of treatment may lose some of its effectiveness if the little dog is overweight.
The vet will certainly give you a treatment with diazepam injections into the rectum if the seizures are severe and repetitive. These reduce the number of seizures, which can be fatal if one does not take the necessary measures soon enough, and spare you the emergency visit to your vet. Of course, once again you must consider the costs of treatment, medical care, the various examinations and especially those of the daily treatment.

Epileptic seizures can also limit your trips and outings and change your whole lifestyle. Therefore, you must do everything you can to prevent their occurrence.

The vet will always try to space out the seizures. Once they have found the drug that space them out for a maximum period of time and that has the fewest side effects on the body of your little dog, you can enjoy your four-legged companion for many years to come. A reduction of treatment may be considered if no seizures occur for two years. Should they reappear, the course of treatment should be reinitiated within 6 months.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Everything about Programming and Thermostats

What is programming?

Programming refers to a complete control program. It is used for the regulation of the temperature according to the needs and housing tenure:

Depending on the time of day (day/night, presence/absence);

Depending on the day of the week (weekdays/weekends).

This program is established in advance. It is easy to handle and allows you to change the temperature during holidays or in case of unplanned absences or presences.

Set temperatures

During the weekend: The temperature should be comfortable in the morning and in the evening when the whole family is preparing dinner. The temperature should be low at night for a better sleep. The temperature should be lowered when the house is not occupied to make savings.

Programming in central heating

The central heating thermostat that regulates the room temperature can also provide programming, in which case it is a programmable room thermostat. Programmable room thermostats come in many models.

A few technical details: The connection to the boiler
image of thermostats.
The programmable room thermostat can be connected to the boiler by wire or radio connection. This solution is ideal for programming an existing facility if a wire connection is not possible. The installation of the thermostat is easy but its location must be chosen carefully.

If the regulation is based on the outdoor temperature, the programming is usually done by a clock built into the regulator. Some thermostatic valves are programmable.

These devices have a specific programming system adapted to the use.

Programming in electric heating

Electric heat emitters are equipped with a powerful so-called "pilot wire" electronic thermostat that allows the programming of several temperature levels. The pilot wire is connected to a centralized scheduler that transmits instructions to issuers.

Every heating system has its own specific programming

It may be interesting to define several areas in the housing (in the bedroom, in living rooms, in the kitchen) and set up a programming system is every one of them. This is possible with multi-zone programmers which can control each housing sector depending on the activities performed in that room or the hours of attendance... The bathroom has individual heating needs (rapid rise in temperature on demand, relatively low occupation time during the day). It is not wise to enslave a general programming system. It is best to fit a specific transmitter which a comfortable temperature quickly when a room is occupied. A well thought out programming system provides interesting tariff options and allows for savings. You can obtain such information from your electricity provider.

Further details

The device called power manager allows the adaptation of the heating mode to the life of residents and the tariffs. It centralizes all programming operations (timing, rate, load shedding management*). It allows permanent heating at the lowest costs.

* Load shedding is used to temporarily cut one or more heat issuers if the electricity demand is too high as compared to the power meter. It cannot assess what amount of power is too large for some time in the year when the entire heating system operates in conjunction with other electrical appliances.

Phone programming

The heating system should meet the distance requirements and fit your lifestyle:

What is phone programming?

This is a heater you can turn off even if you are not in the room and even if you do not know the date or time of your return. A remote phone is used to turn the heater on and off. Thus, you can turn it on before arriving at home so that you are comfortable upon your return.

How does phone programming work?

The phone is installed in your home. You call your phone number and then you dial a code that enables the operating heater. This system is compatible with all types of central heating or electric heating. It can also control other functions in your home (watering, shutters, lighting, etc.). Some models are equipped with a voice synthesizer that provides you with information on the ambient temperature or that guides you through the installation. You can have an answering machine, too.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Energy Saving Tips

Save water 

Take a shower instead of a bath. Three times more water is consumed for a bath than for a shower. This way, you can save 80 EUR a year. Take quick showers and turn off the water when you lather yourself with your favorite shower gel. The water does not have to run continuously. The same goes for brushing your teeth.
Some old houses are equipped with old toilet cisterns which consume nine liters of water per flush. Replace the old cistern with a modern flush with a stop button. This way, you can dose your water consumption.
It often takes some time until warm water pours from the tap. Therefore, always open the hot water tap and use the water as it warms up. Only then let the cold water run. It takes so much longer for the water to heat if you open both faucets. They consume more energy and thus more water.

Ventilate the rooms only at night in the summer. This has several advantages: Your apartment is cool, especially if you leave the blinds down. Your refrigerator and your freezer consume less energy if the temperature in your home is lower.

The right room temperature 

The kitchen temperature should be around 16-18 degrees. The kitchen anyway heats up when you cook and bake. As for the living room, a healthy atmosphere is created if the temperature is between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius. The bedroom can be cool.

Airing instead of permanently tilting the windows

The walls cool if the windows are tilted continuously and they heat mostly on the outside. It is better to open the window several times a day and use the radiator during the rest of the day.

Check the windows and doors to see if the room is drafty. You can do this either with a lighted candle or simply with the back of your hand.

What about your refrigerator? 

If your refrigerator or freezer is a little older, then you should buy a new one. Class A++ refrigerators are the most economical. Old equipment is simply power-hungry.

You should thaw the frozen food in the refrigerator. You should protect yourself against salmonella so pour away the thaw and rinse the chicken with hot water.

Refrigerators should be located away from sources of heat such as the stove, dishwasher or radiator.
The temperature in the refrigerator should be 8 degrees Celsius. The frozen food should be cooled to -18 degrees.

You should consume the frozen foods and defrost the refrigerator if you go away for an extended period of time. Unplug the freezer or refrigerator when you leave and plug it back into the socket when you return from your trip and you have filled it up.

Preheat your over to 180 degrees and then cook the potatoes. You do not usually need to preheat it, even if it says so in the cookbook. Preheating is only necessary when you make dough.

You should use the burner when cooking. The advantage is that burners remain hot for a longer period of time.

You can cook potatoes or noodles faster if you boil the water in a kettle and then pour it into the pot. This way, you can save time and energy.

Save energy at home 

Use energy-saving light bulbs instead of conventional 60-watt bulbs. They use 80% less electricity than conventional bulbs. You only need a 12-watt energy-saving lamp to replace a 60-watt bulb. The energy-saving lamp is more expensive, but holds up to eight times longer. They require 80% less power than conventional light bulbs, so you can save 80% on the energy costs.

The power of the television 

Almost everyone complains about how lousy their television is, but they keep it anyway. It seems that people cannot find the off button on their TV.

What do you watch on television, what really interests you? Does it often happen that you fall asleep watching TV? Does the TV replace your hobbies and leisure time activities? Do you still get to talk to your loved ones or are you that caricature of a man who prefers beer drinking and watching inarticulate grunting monsters on TV rather than spend time with his wife?

Be revolutionary. Log off your cable connection and sell your TV on eBay. Your family and your wallet will thank you. And you will remain an interesting man.

If you are not quite as revolutionary, then be selective in choosing your favorite TV shows and turn the television off when you do not watch it. Remember that it consumes power in stand-by mode, too.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Computer Games Keep Your Brain in Motion

It has been suspected all along that games can develop one’s intelligence. This is true not only in children, but also in adults. Gambling in online casinos and playing casino games supports the mind. The American researchers of Wheaton College in Illinois discovered this in a study on whether online games have any influence over the mind or not.

Image of casino games.20 students solved some difficult problems before and after they played strategy and action games online. The result of this study is clearly a surprise. The students who had played a game before the fulfillment of the tasks solved the problems better and faster. Thus, it was proven that strategy games are a great addition to the mind.

These include blackjack and poker as they also require big strategic thinking for the achievement of success. Online gambling keeps the brain fit and promotes mental performance. The activity of the brain required for gambling keeps the mind busy and improves one’s ability to make logical connections.

Scientists in other places of the world came to the conclusion that computer games and casino games are not dangerous. Actually, they have developed special training software for the brain to improve one’s ability to concentrate and to increase their level of understanding. Therefore, the scientists in Scotland, for instance, came to the conclusion that such programs promote intelligence. They gave 600 students at 32 schools in Scotland game consoles with such a program. The students were invited to play at the beginning of each school day for about 20 minutes or so. The result hit like a bomb. Their grades improved by 50 percent on average.

This learning system based on the games console determined the students to contribute more in class. Many computer games have been blamed for promoting violence and for altering the reality. No one denies the fact that this may be the case. However, it is also not disputed that computer games are good for the brain.
Many of the games available on the market today are very complex, which is a must as otherwise the players would get bored very quickly. The next level must always have a greater level of difficulty. Otherwise, the player has no more expectations from themselves or the game. Try it and you may find that games are not as useless as you thought. The indispensable thinking problem is practiced casually with these games.
Meanwhile, the Viennese media educator Mitgutsch deals with the way computer games can be used in the classroom. For instance, they can be useful for a zoo simulation in the biology class. These are not extra-designed educational pieces of software, but ordinary computer games. Students can write blog posts about their experiences as zoo managers of a virtual zoo.

Games can be used in a lot of situations in the classroom, depending on the topic. Thus, there is a right game for the development of motor skills, logical thinking, concentration or just media literacy.