The research on roulette has proven for a long time that players are more successful when they bet on their favorite numbers. However, they get really annoyed when one of their favorite numbers turns out to be a loser. When this happens, they usually turn these numbers into "dead" ones and choose new favorites and so on.
The question remains: When do the favorites actually prove to be winners? Unfortunately, no one has developed a meaningful theory on this. Statisticians have always stumbled upon the analysis of distance measurements. Playing roulette online is a fun and exciting game.
An explosive analysis
New research results show that the distance traveled by a transversal from the last to the first term is equal to the one between favorites and dependent on the distribution of the remaining stock. Furthermore, extensive studies have brought to light the fact that dormant numbers placed at greater distances have a higher profit potential. Once again, the distance is dependent on the distribution of the remaining stock.
There are times when coups can easily be gained though some transversals only win after a long break. This actually happens a lot and favorites are still fashionable. This crystal clear rule is known as the casino compass rule.
Optimal profits on 3-transversals
You can get the most benefit from the newly discovered "distance" theory on street bets (three-transversal) after carrying out a comparison test:
2. Minimal and clear booking
3. No lengthy pre-observations
4. Usually, one or two transversals are bet on
5. No obligation to tip
6. Favorable capital - profit ratio
Your profits with the "casino compass" rule
In the standard version, you win 80-10 pieces for all 37 coups. The add-on version brings you +15 pieces per game within an average of 44 coups.
An example of the application of the casino compass rule in the casino
The casino compass rule allows you to improve your gaming experience. First you choose a favorite and then a nondescript transversal from the midfield and finally you can ask a latecomer for the checkout.
The compass always indicates the right direction due solely to the new distance measurement. This method gives you:
The chance to bet on favorites;
The chance to act in midfield;
The chance to be part of the sweep.
Both the standard version and the advanced version offer you these advantages.
A comparison between the standard game and the full game
A comparison between the standard game and the full game was made using the figures of Star Casino in the United States of America from January 2011.
Profit target: +10 pieces in the standard version, +15 in the standard and add-on version (full game). The profit target is reduced if the target is not reached in the allotted time.
Star Casino - Table 1 - January 2011
Standard version Full game Standard version Full game
Date Day Month Day Month Date Day Month Day Month
01.01. +13 +13 +18 +18 17.01. +7 +189 +17 +293
02.01. +13 +26 +21 +39 18.01. +11 +200 +17 +310
03.01. +14 +40 +15 +54 19.01. +3 +203 +20 +330
04.01. +15 +55 + 5 +59 20.01. +11 +214 +19 +349
05.01. + 7 +62 +17 +76 21.01. +11 +225 +18 +367
06.01. +13 +75 +10 +86 22.01. +13 +238 +4 +371
07.01. + 6 +81 +21 +107 23.01. +16 +254 +20 +391
08.01. +12 +93 +15 +122 24.01. +10 +264 +17 +408
09.01. +13 +106 +16 +138 25.01. +10 +274 +12 +420
10.01. +19 +125 +24 +162 26.01. +16 +290 +18 +438
11.01. +10 +135 +20 +182 27.01. +13 +303 +12 +450
12.01. +11 +146 +19 +201 28.01. +10 +313 +23 +473
13.01. +11 +157 +21 +222 29.01. +10 +323 +15 +488
14.01. +10 +167 +21 +243 30.01. +10 +333 +15 +503
15.01. +13 +180 +21 +264 31.01. +14 +347 +16 +519
16.01. +2 +182 +12 +276