Programming refers to a complete control program. It is used for the regulation of the temperature according to the needs and housing tenure:
Depending on the time of day (day/night, presence/absence);
Depending on the day of the week (weekdays/weekends).
This program is established in advance. It is easy to handle and allows you to change the temperature during holidays or in case of unplanned absences or presences.
Set temperatures
During the weekend: The temperature should be comfortable in the morning and in the evening when the whole family is preparing dinner. The temperature should be low at night for a better sleep. The temperature should be lowered when the house is not occupied to make savings.
Programming in central heating
The central heating thermostat that regulates the room temperature can also provide programming, in which case it is a programmable room thermostat. Programmable room thermostats come in many models.
A few technical details: The connection to the boiler
The programmable room thermostat can be connected to the boiler by wire or radio connection. This solution is ideal for programming an existing facility if a wire connection is not possible. The installation of the thermostat is easy but its location must be chosen carefully.
If the regulation is based on the outdoor temperature, the programming is usually done by a clock built into the regulator. Some thermostatic valves are programmable.
These devices have a specific programming system adapted to the use.
Programming in electric heating
Electric heat emitters are equipped with a powerful so-called "pilot wire" electronic thermostat that allows the programming of several temperature levels. The pilot wire is connected to a centralized scheduler that transmits instructions to issuers.
Every heating system has its own specific programming
It may be interesting to define several areas in the housing (in the bedroom, in living rooms, in the kitchen) and set up a programming system is every one of them. This is possible with multi-zone programmers which can control each housing sector depending on the activities performed in that room or the hours of attendance... The bathroom has individual heating needs (rapid rise in temperature on demand, relatively low occupation time during the day). It is not wise to enslave a general programming system. It is best to fit a specific transmitter which a comfortable temperature quickly when a room is occupied. A well thought out programming system provides interesting tariff options and allows for savings. You can obtain such information from your electricity provider.
Further details
The device called power manager allows the adaptation of the heating mode to the life of residents and the tariffs. It centralizes all programming operations (timing, rate, load shedding management*). It allows permanent heating at the lowest costs.
* Load shedding is used to temporarily cut one or more heat issuers if the electricity demand is too high as compared to the power meter. It cannot assess what amount of power is too large for some time in the year when the entire heating system operates in conjunction with other electrical appliances.
Phone programming
The heating system should meet the distance requirements and fit your lifestyle:
What is phone programming?
This is a heater you can turn off even if you are not in the room and even if you do not know the date or time of your return. A remote phone is used to turn the heater on and off. Thus, you can turn it on before arriving at home so that you are comfortable upon your return.
How does phone programming work?
The phone is installed in your home. You call your phone number and then you dial a code that enables the operating heater. This system is compatible with all types of central heating or electric heating. It can also control other functions in your home (watering, shutters, lighting, etc.). Some models are equipped with a voice synthesizer that provides you with information on the ambient temperature or that guides you through the installation. You can have an answering machine, too.
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